If I look back from where God brought me from I can just stand amazed.
Through life's hights and depths He saw me through.
One of the things I am sooo thankful for that helped me through my life is my crazy Youth Group aka RM4C meaning "Revival Makers 4 Christ"
I just love each and everyone of them. They are all a sure blessing to me:
Me, Tobi(my Twin Bro), Savy, May, Mary, Paula, Rachel, Fatima, Steph, Aaron, Paul, Nigel, Nathaniel, Norbert, Josh & Efraim.
My dear Aunt & Uncle being the Youth-Pastor: Obuh family.
We have had sooo many fun times together. I still remember all the fun times we had and are having at our regular Mc Donalds at Stephansplatz, the 50 pieces of apple danish, the fun times at the instruments, jammin' around in the GREAT FAB COA, and many other exciting events.
My Youth Group's the best and I love it.
Though now we are all growin' up and startin' to mature more and more we still have sooo much fun and that'S one of the things I love with my group. The never forget to have fun. We totally forget life and it'S troubles, family and their trouble and just loose ourselves.
We are there for each other, help each other hug and kiss to comfort, roll on the floor really hard while rememberin' past funny things, have now and then a dress-code, are one minded.
How I love the RM4Cs.
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