Friends of mine made a statement that made me think really hard..Some said: Well, now we can save the CD(Our Youth Group is doing one right now)....The statement at itself is not wrong but the thought behind, to my opinion, is...
Therefore I said in my headline: Just because you have a talent does NOT make you talented!!
Not only as Christian do we have to be so much more careful about how we view our abilities and talents.
We must above all know: It is NOT our effort but it is GOD's!!!!!
Without Him giving us our talent/s we would not have it/them. We have talents right from birth and we develop them or we later realize we have a hidden talent and work toward perfection of it... but having them does not automatically make us talented so also does being a Christian automatically make us Christians! There are 1000 kinds of Christians...they call themself Christians but really that does not make them Christians....
Same with our talents...We must be careful to not let pride creep into our hearts and minds to control us and tricking us into the mindset that "I have this talent...I am the one!!!"...into this "I"-Habit...being egoistic, selfish and prideful...
We MUST give GOD the glory for what HE has given to us....sure God gave them to us and it's our effort to develop them but that does not give us the permission to be prideful and boastful about what we have...
Thinking about with what talents God blessed me I am simply overwhelmed that God trusted me with so much. He trusted me with musical talents, compassion, love, thoughtfulness and even leadership values and so many more...
A person in my life :D <3<3<3....very dear and special to me...said: God has obviously blessed you leading worship, singing, playing the piano, shopping, baysitting, teaching kids ....etc and who knows what else? But you will never know what other God given talents and abilities you may possess unless you give it your best shot.
I challenge everyone that are ashamed and insecure about their talents to give it their best shot!!! ;)
It's amazing what talents God gave to me but in all of them GOD STILL GETS THE GLORY...wihtout HIM none of those and so many more would be entrusted into my care...
Take a look at Acts 12:20-23...we see the story of Herod..his talent was obvious - He was very talented in his way of speaking...very eloquent...yet despite of that he did not give God the glory and what happended? He was smotten, eaten by worms and died...
Never cease to give God the glory for your talents...you own and develop them but God is the origin of them!!!
To GOD be the GLORY!!!
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