Often in life we tend to be very uncertain of our abilities, worth and self-esteem. We tend to see ourselves less useful as other do or perhaps not useful at all. We tend to think we are not beautiful at all and that is why we are not loved as much as others are. We tend to forget our uniqueness and often compare ourselves to others in every single matter.
But we must realize or remind ourselves of this fact: WE ARE UNIQUELY ORIGINAL! We are not a copy but an ORIGINAL!
God didn't create one type of a woman and got lazy and copied us...but He took all time that was needed and made us unique...VERY unique - UNIQUELY ORIGINAL!
Loosing this fact out of sight we tend to compare ourselves to others, lower our self-esteem and harbor sad feelings.
I find myself guilty of this..I tend to compare myself to others. I tend to wanting to be like others but that is simply impossible. I am perfectly made by God and He took His time to create me...He didn't just say: "Well, I'm tired today...I'll make her a copy of someone" - NO...instead He said: "That's my girl...I will make her special and uniquely original...she will be ONE in a kind"
What a loving God I serve! He loved me so much to give me my very own unique talents, abilities, even weaknessness, strengths, personality, attitude and character-traits.
Is it not wonderful to say: I am uniquely original! No one on this planet earth was like me, is like me and will be like me?
I pray that God reminds me daily of my unique originality and so does you too...
Love yourself...don't compare yourself to the models out there that have nothing than empty vessels, that comform themselves to the world with loosing their uniqueness...stop trying to be like others...stop trying to copy other's habits...sure sometimes it's good to strive for the humbleness of someone else...but don't think for a second it will be like that person...it will be uniquely different....
Enjoy your uniqueness and your differences...Enjoy the fact:
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