Freitag, 28. Januar 2011


I surfed through the internet and saw some very shocking of stars that spent tons of money for plastic surgery....check this link out...HORRIBLE!!! -->

Plastic surgery has grown to such immense and booming factor(y) in our society. More and more people decide to go under surgery & get things done....may it be necessary or not...
Don't get me wrong, I do understand sometimes Plastic surgery is needed...for example after a car accident, back pains due too much of breasts-weight or severe damage of the body to unseeable and unwanted appearance...Then and only then I am PRO plastic surgery....but I am more than CONTRA for all those that abuse plastic surgery to grow their "self esteem" by putting in implants that are way to big to be more attractive for men...or lip implants or whatever...

WAKE UP!!!! --> GOD MADE YOU MORE THAN PERFECT!!!! You might not be perfect for everyone but YOU ARE!! Accept that fact and live a happy life.

Our bodies are not there to please human beings we should please God!! We should preserve and keep our bodies in shape, no doubt but that doesn't mean just bc. you are too lazy to work out or you have tons of money you can skip the natural steps and make yourself an artificial person that is just gross to look at...

Simply horrible those pictures of the link...I can't imagine why people do such a thing. I mean, everyone has problem zones, no doubt!!, where they don't feel happy with but to risk it all to look unseeable and deformed to such devastating image...It's just sad to see how all those so called stars ruin their lives just to be perfect for others instead of looking into the mirror and asking themselves...Do I look good enough for me?!

And total shame to the plastic surgeons that abused those stars only to get rich...what gain does money have in such case?! Sure, they get millions but for what prize? To be famous but how can you proudly tell others..I operated on Michael Jackson or Michaela Romanini...I, as surgeon, would be totally ashamed of have defiled God's form of beauty....

God made us different yet so beautiful in our own unique ways...we just need to accept ourselves than to wake up every day and regret to what monster we have made ourselves...

16 things you didn't know about sleep

Found some very interesting facts on sleeping...check them out!! ^^


I am more than thankful and grateful for what AWESOME door God has opened for me.
To be honest and transparent with everyone....MEDICINE is my BEING.....but I have tried the past 2 years to get an entry to Med School in Vienna but with no success :'(

Well...My Mum is VERY ^^ eager for me to start something and to go forward in my education....Well...she told me about the possibility to go to school to be a OR-Assistant/OR-Aid...I checked the schools and they would start in August...Well I called one of the schools and asked how things work...and how to apply jada jada....
She told me I should apply as from End of March but before applying I MUST do a OR work expirience for 1-2 days....
I immediately called all hospitals I knew and asked if I could do the work expirience at their hospital...
The first 3 of my choice said immediately NO but then I called the hospital that's 30 min away from me --> SMZ Floridsdorf....They told me to come next week TUE/THU to do the work expirience...Soooooo :D ......I will be working in the OR for 2 days next week...I have to be there 7:30 a.m. but that's more than fine!!! I AM SOOOOO EXCITED :D but ABOVE ALL:


I will FOR SURE apply for Med School but if it doesn't work out I have a B-Plan I can fall back too which is working as OR-Assistant/Aid till I get Entry into Med School :D




Excited to proclaim I am officially on!!!!
I finally made that step...but sure gonna take some time before I post pics of myself & my very unique style :D
Be patient and be stunned ;)

Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011

New Basic ME

New Basic ME
New Basic ME von Dunsin Faluyi, oversized blazers enthaltend

Got today this cardigan and them both...Finally got myself some femasual Blazer/cardigan....
The cardigan is the exact one I got and the blazer looks slightly different....same color & style but the neckline edges are in black & the cut is more feminine and casual --> Femasual ^^

Dienstag, 11. Januar 2011

Me and my Mum @ our Shopping tour

Me and my Mama went on a shopping tour on Mariahilferstraße :D

Here some pics to it...when we were in H&M and having sooo much fun in our changing room XD

Classy feat. Military feat. Feminine

Classy feat. Military feat. Feminine
Classy feat. Military feat. Feminine by Dunsin Faluyi featuring a christian louboutin pump

This are 2 outfits combined to one...all items are similar to mine except the blazer on the right(exactly the one I got but instead of color grey it's in bright red) & the hairband :D

Dedicated to Rachel Santos <3<3

Dedicated to Rachel Santos <3<3
Dedicated to Rachel Santos <3<3 by Dunsin Faluyi featuring a stripe blazer

This is for you Rachel Santos &lt;3&lt;3&lt;3

Rachel Santos!!!!

I love Rachel Santos...she has beeen a friend to me in such a special and unique way...I can rely on her and trust her....she is a very unique persone...but especially he is SOOO MUCH FUN around...with will laugh your guts out....hahahhahahaha :D

This is a tribute to her and our friendship...sooo happy to have her in my life....

Love you my special friend <3<3<3

Montag, 10. Januar 2011


This is my 1st NEW this one last week friday...
Mine does look different but it's the closest picture I could find...Mine has the same style but 3/4 arm length, color is navy, buttons are shiny black and all edges of the blazer are in black...looks totally cool :D


This is my 2nd & today bought NEW Blazer(pic of 1st new blazer asap 2b seen)...I don't know but I seem lately to be very much attracted to navy and military yet feminine blazers. :D
This is the exact blazer I have except that all parts you can see in the color of grey are in bright & strong red...soo in love ^^
I love my new item especially because I bought it with my Mum at our today's Shopping tour through Vienna's biggest shopping street :D <3<3<3


I got this amazing Hair badge band in an awesome store called Six. It's totally my style and luckily I found a navy H&M Blazer which matches this badge perfectly....soon outfit with the badge and my new blazer to be seen ;)

Freitag, 7. Januar 2011


I admit it...I suffer from Arachnophobia...the fear or spiders or spider-like animals...

A spider(huge one!!!) just went over my bed and I freaked out...I cried myself to I just notice over 1 hour!!!...After fighting inside of me for sooo long I finally had the guts to look for my enemy and use half of my deo to try to kill it..with no success...I then called my Twinniie...who doesn't understand me a single bit...-totally angry- got rid of my archenemy...

People that are not panical afraid of spiders or like such, can not and will never understand what it feels like. They just get so angry and lacking of understanding...sigh...did hurt a lot... :(

Got rid of the spider and even changed my bedlinen...still feeling totally insecure and fearful and panical...

Well my hubby has to be my armor in bright shining rescue me...

WORST panic attack ever!!!

Dienstag, 4. Januar 2011

Be YourselF

Be YourselF
Be YourselF von Dunsin Faluyi, high waist skirts enthaltend

I think it's important in this generation we live in right now to be true to yourself...You can see sooo many copies and the originality of a person gets lost all the's time to STAND UP and BE OURSELVES and not ASHAMED 2B ;)

Iphone 3G 16GB

I am sooooo excited!! I am getting an Iphone 3G 16GB white in few hours. I already said I am getting a 3GS but I found out that site I ordered it from is a fake and so I will buy a 3G it fairly used! Excited...counting the minutes and hours...19:30 p.m. :D

Iphone 3GS 16GB!!!!

I just love Apple Products. I already have a Mac Book Pro 13" & a Ipod touch 1G 8GB.
I just love the design and the way it works...I decided to work myself to a Iphone 3GS 16GB which I did.
I will be having it by middle of next week...I AM SOOO EXCITED :D

Gonna sell my phone/ipod and get some credit on my new Iphone and let everyone know :D

Montag, 3. Januar 2011


Above you will find some really fun pictures of me and my buddies...We are the's an insider but not for everyone to know, of course ;)

I love all of them: My Twinnniiie Tobster; Jhen, Rachel, Aaron, Efraim and Steph....PRECIOUS people that are awesome in every single way :D

Sonntag, 2. Januar 2011


My outfit for today - FIRST SUNDAY of 2011 :D

Happy New Year 2011

This was my outfit for yesterday - New Year Party...LOVE LOVE LOVE IT, especially with my new purchased H&M Bag :D