Kids are precious being especially new borns...I can't imagine such a little thing be formed in a mother's womb for 9 months and come out so perfectly equipped with everything that he/she needs to live. Praise God for the wonder of children!!!
I have made up my mind to have at least 3 kids...not sure in what constellation....but if I can I would love to have 4 kids...2 boys and 2 girls.. to make it equal....I know it sounds like a lot of stress but kids are my thing...I could spend with a baby the whole day and not get tired because of little thing in my arms...
It seems like I have a very good hand with kids and I thank God for blessing me whit that gift! :D
It's amazing to see that a baby trust you with their life to not let them slip out of your arms and fall...loves you unconditionally and loves your arms and your heart beat....it totally depends on you and I think that is WOW!!!
Kids...kids...KIDS!!! I simply LOVE THEM!!! :D <3<3<3<3<3

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