In life there comes a time for change...a time to get rid of old things and invite the newness of something...
Well, I have come to that point of be exact: CHANGING MY ROOM!!!
My room is for me more than a's bedroom and living room, shelter and paradise and simply a place of my own where I can be myself with no one judging me!
Since around the 30th of November 2004 my room has been in nice and bright colors - red/pinkish beige...reflecting me as a young girl...still all giggly ;)
About 3 weeks ago I decided there has to be a change made...a visible change...through my bedroom...I was sick and tired of that girly room reminding me of my past...I wanted to start a new chapter in my life with the renovation of my home :)
Which I did!! <3
To be honest, I renovated my room within 2's incredible...I found everything that I needed so timely to get done last week Thursday.
Check out following posts... ;)
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