I am reading currently a very GREAT book: "Lady in Waiting-Becoming God's Best while waiting for Mr. Right" from Jackie Kendrall & Debby Jones.(http://www.christianbook.com/waiting-becoming-while-right-expanded-edition/jackie-kendall/9780768423105/pd/423104) You can order the book over amazon, etc.)
Here a short description to it:
When you're single, waiting for Mr. Right can be one of the most difficult situations you face. With humor, honesty, and biblical truths, Jones and Kendall will help you fill the time by becoming the right woman while you wait for the right man. By studying the biblical character Ruth, you'll learn the characteristics that every woman of God should develop.(The expanded edition of the original best-seller includes a personal journal and study guide. - I recommend to buy the extended version)
Completion vs. Complementing...I am sure you are wondering what is it about? Well, reading the book I came to a passage where it talks about woman making that awful mistake thinking only a guy can fill their void they feel within themselves. Ladies feel incomplete and go from one relationship to another only looking for that guy that feels them with that special "IT" that makes them complete.....but really revelation came to me reading this book...As a woman feels that incompleteness so does a man feels it - though differently and not that intense like we emotional girls do ^^
The problem is we totally forget our creator and savior in that whole issue...we think we will feel complete with a guy at our side, kids, a job, a house,etc. but really those are things we enjoy having and give us the sense of having achieved something but on long term we will find ourselves still lacking something so vital and inevitable...
Guess what that is?! - It's JESUS CHRIST!!!
Jesus Christ came to this earth and died for our sins - like no one else did and will do - He payed the ultimate prize and showed his unconditional and ultimate token of love!
Knowing what He did for us, only using our common sense, lets us know that only through Him who gave His all for us who didn't even deserve it, we can find completion. Completion cannot come from someone that is sinful and that has come short of the glory of God(Romans 3:23) Completion can and WILL only come from the one that is perfect, blameless and the perfect atonement for mankind!
Seeing this it is more than reveling that only through Christ we can find completion in our lives. Only God can fill the void that we feel in us. At the other hand 98% of mankind feel the urgent need of an earthly bridegroom...and that need is reasonable and vital...I am no exception to that :D
But we must understand that a mate can only be a complement to us not a completion....to a certain degree our mate will be a completion to us but not in a spiritual and void-filling way --> Only GOD can/will do that!!!
You were NOT created to complete another, but to complement. Completion is Jesus' responsibility and complementing is a woman's privilege. A woman not complete in Jesus will be a drain on her husband. Such a woman will expect her husband to fill the gap only Jesus can fill! Only the single woman who understands this means of being complete in Jesus Christ is mature enough to be a helpmeet(complement) ~ Lady in Waiting
Girls must understand that we are of a helpmeet to our husbands...Here a quote from Matthew Henry that sums up the duty of a woman up so wonderfully:
"Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him.”
If we start understanding this so vital principle we won't rush from one relationship to another to find that completion and drain our boyfriend or eventually our fiance/husband....
Have a daily relationship with God - Making Him your priority! Through that you will feel a completeness never felt before...Also: Trust in God to bring to you your perfect mate - your Mr. Right to whom you can and will be a complement...Our God in heaven won't forsake His kids if we ask for something - Matthew 7:7
We must exercise patience and diligence and total reliance on God! He sees our heart, our needs and wants - He will supply...it might take a while but every good thing needs some patience, right?!
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