2 Days ago we celebrated Mother's Day - A day to remember and be thankful for a mother in our life.
I am more than thankful for a mother that loves me so much. She cares when no one care and is there for me. I must admit there were some VERY difficult years with my mother where I did not understand her at all, why she gave so many restrictions, orders and was angry but now, 20 years later I realize it's only the LOVE of a mother that cared.
It's ironic how love can be evident...Everyone defines Love as a affection and warmth...or associates Love with smiles, heart racing, kisses, sex, courting, hugging, intimacy,etc. but LOVE has another facet - Love can be also correcting and screaming sometimes...
Out of love people do crazy things...also mothers...i remember my mum yelling at me one day and not allowing me not to do specific things...I didn't understand back then but now I do - It was love that made her seem like the bad guy...
MOTHERHOOD - A precious and priceless gift of God
I am more than thankful for being a woman and someday(hopefully soon) I can myself expirience that wonderful gift of motherhood...
I can't imagine carrying a human being in myself for 9 months and bearing all the pain and train up that baby with my wonderful hubby to a GREAT and SUCCESSFUL person in future...
On Sunday we had 2 baby dedications - and really it made some deep emotions come to the surface...I so craved to be a mom myself...I am not for girls to be moms at 20...I am planning in about 4-5 years :D
There was also such a special and unique thing that happened: Stefan(son of GREAT Valentina)...He is such a blessing and miracle...that boy is indeed destined to GREATNESS!!! I believe that with my whole heart!!!!
It was soo touching and my heart was touched so deeply I cried and sobbed like a baby...it was sooo emotional for me...I felt for some minutes how a mother feels...deep care, love, tenderness, good vital pride for him....it was overwhelming...
Stefan is a boy that is not ashamed...He loves people and there was once a time while the service was about to start...like 30 seconds before service would start...with no hesitation went on the platform and shaked the hand of every person in the platform...TOUCHY!!! <3
2 days ago on mother's day shortly after Pastor Robinette started preaching Stefan out of the blue went on the platform and shaked the hand of Pastor...My heart was in tumult...It was such a wonderful feeling...then Pastor asked him what he can do for him..and pastor asked if he should pray for him...that little boy nodded his head...and pastor started praying...It was AMAZING...even writing now my eyes fill with tears...I cried and cried and couldn't pull myself together and went to the toilet and cried some more and prayed for him to be blessed and used for GREATNESS and SUCCESS...
After service I talked to his mama and she was proud beyond anything...she cried and I hugged her and told her she has some very special boys....
I can't wait for my own kids :D
See, God has blessed women with such deep emotions...emotions that can't be described and comprehended fully...WOW...God did a STUNNING job on that one...
Motherhood - a blessing far beyond anything....
Mothers give themselves for their kids..and are willing to give their lives for their breed...I can imagine God felt the same...
He didn't love us for who we were but for what we are....
Such a loving God...it's stunning what He is...He is mother and father...He loves like a mother and has the strength of a father...INCREDIBLE....that is not even a billionth digit of what God is!!
My prayer is that I will have 3-4 kids with a loving and caring husband...andwe will love them with everything we have....Kids are indeed a gift of God and I can't imagine my life without kids...
Can't wait to experience the gift of motherhood and for my mom too...grandmother hood :D
PRAISE GOD for that!!! :D
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