Yesterday I was on FB and I couldn't believe what I saw...
There were 2 girls that were basically naked and they had that picture as profile picture!!! *total shock*
Call me old fashioned, call me a hill.billy, call me whatever but I feel like that is detrimental to women in our society today...
Let's start with the Question why girls, ladies, women see the need to get undressed and put it as their profile picture and the whole wide world can see that or just to be noticed?!
I believe ladies do that because really they don't have a healthy self-esteem or they see the need to be recognized by any means and by any cost...which goes back to self-esteem...
SELF-ESTEEM...a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of their own worth
Self-Esteem is an overall important thing...we need as humans to have a healthy self-esteem...sure our self-esteem is shaped by our environment and history but really it's also shaped by how you want people to see yourself...
A good and healthy self-esteem won't make you to get all naked and post the pictures on the internet where EVERYONE can see them...a good and healthy self-esteem will abide in Christ Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...
In our society these days it's inevitable to see (half-)naked women on the bill-boards, newspapers, internet, EVERYWHERE...
I mean, poor guys that have to fight with temptations and lust on a daily basis...
To be honest, we ladies don't make it easy for them...
Society says: SEX sells...so everything that needs to be sold will be sold with sex...not immediate sex but with sensuality, sexuality and lust...naked women posing on cars, naked women on newspapers, nakedness EVERYWHERE...
Where do we draw the line?!

Sure the world is blinded by the enemy...he did a job on that one...but really is it necessary to be that way?!!
What is God's plan for us, ladies?!

God wants us to be holy and acceptable! - Romans 12:1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
We don't need to get all naked to be acceptable before God...we need to be holy as God is holy(1. Peter 1:16)
We need to walk in perfect holiness...and live according to what God wants us to do...the bible is the perfect guide to it ;)
Girls, you don't need to get all undressed to show the world who you are...we need to be acceptable before God and then He will make us acceptable to others...
Now this thought came to my mind...maybe girls do that because they wanna be recognized by the opposite sex....if that is the case...it's all in vain and SHAMEFUL!!!
Why lower yourself to a standard that is that of a "whore"" to be liked by someone...shouldn't guys like you for who you truly are and not by how well you can show your womanly attributes?!!
Shouldn't guys fall for you because of your awesome and stunning character and not how well you are blessed frontly and backly?!!!
If God intended guys to pick their mate after how they look like then he would have said it somewhere in His word!
Instead God sums up in Proverbs 31 what a beautiful woman is!!!
We must live after the concept of Proverbs 31...live after it, do it and exercise it always!!!
GIRLS, don't get all naughty and sexy to be seen by guys...at the end you will cry yourself to shame because you lowered your values for some horny and nasty idiots!!!
Keep your standard and values high and make sure to rest in God...Your heart should be soooo lost in God that a man needs to find God in order to find YOU!

Never ever think of lowering yourself for anyone...trust and wait upon God to being to you in perfect time the right one!
The right one will love you for who you are, he won't be bothered if you are slightly overweight(as if that really matters that much), don't look like those super artificial models....
HE WILL love you for your naturally and uniqueness...your character and your complement you are to him...

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