Beauty...what is it?
Really...beauty cannot be defined...what is beautiful to me is to someone else normal or even ugly...beauty is indeed only in the eyes of the beholder...
I think it's sad that this world tries with all force to conform beauty to a specific set of body measures, weight,etc.
I am totally for it to loose weight if you don't feel well with your weight but not to be a size0...that is absolutely insane...
Even the bible says in Proverbs 31:30: Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised... ....that beauty is vain...beauty is a wonderful thing but NOT the uttermost thing...
I myself am guilty of the mindset of wanting to be as thin as all those models that have millions on their bank account and friends everywhere....
But why is beauty that important? Why do we need to try to convince a guy of ourselves primarily of our outward beauty? Should someone not love us because of who we are which is defined by our character or just bc. we are nice to look at...
That brings me to the statement: Never judge a book by it's cover...
A girl/guy might be outwardly hot and you can't take off your eyes of her/him...but what is inside of that person?
Does that person have a great personality....loving kind character and above all GODLY EXAMPLE?!!
We often fall back into the worldly mindset: I need to be thin, hot and sexy dressed so people like me but is that really what we should look after?
I can't remember where I read this but Megan Fox herself said: She is actually very shy but her outward appearance give her the courage to go before media....
See....outward beauty doesn't make you everything...perfectly....it DOES count what is inside of you!!
Girls, I encourage you all to stay true to yourself and feel beautiful even with 10kg more on your weight than is "normal" for this world.
GOD made every person beautiful...just in different shapes and styles....that doesn't mean you are not beautiful...encourage yourself and be happy how God made you...you don't need 10 tons of make-up to try to fix you to a hot and sexy girl...make-up only says: I am not satisfied how God made me...so I need to correct God's "mistake"...
Be yourself...be proud of who you are and love yourself....if you do; even faking it....people will see that glow in you and there will be definitely a guy that will fall for you...not only your outwardly but most of all YOU!!!
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